Scientific Concrete Polishing uses Ra measurement to properly determine a concrete surface’s roughness because it’s exactly what Scientific Concrete Polishing is about. The Scientific Concrete Polishing system meets the ST-115 Surface Refinement Standard, which determines floor roughness using micro-inches. Floors that meet the ST-115 Standard are measurably smoother and higher in quality. Conventional polishing standards use subjective measurement methods, sometimes as simple as a contractor judging with their naked eye. By measuring Ra using the ST-115 Standard, you’re ensuring a smooth polished floor that is demonstrably and scientifically smooth.
Measuring Ra uses accepted science to give customers smooth, shining polished concrete floors. Scientific Concrete Polishing measures Ra because we’ve found it to be the best way to determine a floor’s roughness and to give us a better idea on how to proceed to the next step. As with all scientific pursuits, Scientific Concrete Polishing adapts and learns more about our industry every day. As advances continue to change, so will we. Because at Scientific Concrete Polishing, we’re dedicated to using proven science to give customers the best, smoothest polished concrete.
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